Power searching on your desktop without the pain. Perform powerful desktop searches without having to index your system using regular expressions. Graphical equivalent to find/grep. Available for Windows (JAVA) and Linux (Gnome & KDE) and easy to translate into your locale.
- JAVA, Gnome (GTK) and KDE (Qt) versions available
- Use powerful RegEx expressions to search for files quickly
GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3)Other Useful Business Software
Passwordless Authentication and Passwordless Security
It’s no secret — passwords can be a real headache, both for the people who use them and the people who manage them. Over time, we’ve created hundreds of passwords, it’s easy to lose track of them and they’re easily compromised. Fortunately, passwordless authentication is becoming a feasible reality for many businesses. Duo can help you get there.
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User Reviews
Very good search tool, using on Xfce. Having one feature request: it would be great if all files found can be selected all and then do copy/cut/paste.
Hello, i have found some bugs and I would like to inform you about them. Thank you!
Very good search tool but i have found some bugs. I can inform you about them if you'd like. Thank you!!
Hello,i have found some bugs.Do you want to sent you a feedback about them to fix it? Thank you!
Excellent, extremely useful search application. Tiny flaw: blank icon for this program on Ubuntu's favorites launcher. The following terminal command made the icon appear correctly: sudo cp /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/searchmonkey.png /usr/share/pixmaps/searchmonkey/searchmonkey-32x32.png